Arroyo launches livelihood facility for gov't workers - Los Angeles ,CA ,USA
Under the program, government employees can form microfinance
associations with five members each, which can avail of loans of up
to P150,000 payable up to ...
Microfinance Bill sends confusing messages
Livemint - Delhi, Delhi ,India
Amove to review and regulate when and how microfinance providers
should be allowed to accept savings deposits is picking up speed.
Microfinance and regional rural development banks are a distant
third provider of deposit accounts, serving only 4 percent of
households� mainly poor, ...
Microfinance Regulatory Bill to hit kudumbasree units: Isaac
Newindpress (subscription) - Chennai ,India
ALAPPUZHA: Finance Minister Thomas Isaac has come out against the
Microfinance Regulatory Bill which is under consideration of
Parliment, saying that the ...
Microfinance Lights up the Smiles - Boston ,MA ,USA
A UN project has enlisted the help of lenders there, and using
qualified solar vendors, is offering microfinance styled loans so
that householders can ...
Bank resumes lending to MFIs
Economic Times - India
MUMBAI: ICICI Bank has resumed lending to microfinance institutions
under the partnership model, an activity it had suspended since
January 2007. ...
�The opportunity goes beyond IT and services�
Hindu - Chennai ,India
This outlook has resulted in NEA-IUV investing in a mobile payments
company that plans to support its platform for enabling microfinance
. ...
Making a profit while helping the poor
Seattle Times - Seattle ,WA ,USA
SKS Microfinance , which Akula started in 1988, connects opposite
ends of the global economy: poor women in India looking for loans to
expand their tiny ...
ABN Amro revenue rises 48% in India
Economic Times - India
The microfinance business of the bank has now reached 391590
low-income households through 27 microfinance institutions across 17
states. ...
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