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I am enclosing a donation of:
$500 $250 $100
Other $__________

Name: _______________________________

Address: _______________________________

City: _______________ State: _______

Zip: ___________

Evening Phone: (____) _______________

Day Phone: (____) __________________

E-mail: ___________________________

Please make checks payable to the SKS Foundation.

Mail to:

US Office:
Swayam Krishi Sangam Foundation
5020 S. Lake Shore Drive
Suite 3016
Chicago, IL 60615
Tel: (773) 955-9950

India Office:
839-S, Road No 44/A, Jubilee Hills,

Hyderabad-500 027. A.P., INDIA
Tel: (0091) 40-4651817

E-mail: [email protected]

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