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The respect of our customers, partners, our employees, the credibility of our company in the eyes of the client community, the government, media and social institutions are fundamental prerequisites for our success. The nature of our business means a wide range of stakeholders, who are interested in how we operate. It is vital that we engage our stakeholders in open and honest discussion and stay informed of their opinions.
This section provides ready access to all information for our visitors and stakeholders about our organisation.
We appreciate your interest in working with the SKS Microfinance. We are always pleased and heartened when an individual is interested in exploring ways of contributing to our organisation.
This section provides you with press releases, press kits on latest events, publications, and other background information relating to SKS and the microfinance sector.
Over the last decade, SKS has established its operations across 340 districts out of which 315 have been identified as the poorest. SKS services reach out to millions of poor who belong to Backward Castes.
SKS has built a network with top public sector banks and foreign banks. Our banking partners understand our customers’ needs and helps SKS provide them with great deals with very reasonable rates of interest.
Rural markets have unique dynamics and in order to reach these sections of society it is critical to use media formats tailored to them. SKS, is best positioned to understand the needs and help companies reach out to them.