Age: 30
(2 children, Sudhaker and Srinavasalu, 6
& 4 years)
Raipally, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh
First Loan Issued: Rs. 5,000 (US$125), 1998
Business: Goat Owner
Caste: Backward Caste
Anjamma is one of the poorest members of Raipally village where SKS has been operating since 1998. Anjamma and her husband are Dalits ("untouchables") and work as landless laborers. Together, they earn Rs. 40 (US$1) per day. Anjamma's husband, however, is an alcoholic and spends much of the family income on liquor.
One night, Anjamma was assaulted while her husband was out drinking. Following the assault, Anjamma took a group fund loan of Rs.1,500 (US$35) and an emergency loan of Rs.1,000 (US$25) to build a new house. Together with borrowings from friends, Anjamma was able to build a small stone home. Some months later Anjamma became pregnant with her second child, and SKS assisted her by providing a maternal health loan. She gave birth to a healthy boy and proudly refers to the child as the "Sangam's baby."
Since 1998, Anjamma has used loans from SKS to purchase five goats. She has since sold three of her goats and has used her earnings to purchase half an acre of land which she uses to grow and sell lentils. Now that Anjamma is able to provide for her family, she can send her two children to school. When asked about SKS, Anjamma said, "The Sangam has been with me in my difficulties. They took care of me as a father takes care of his daughter."
We are very proud of Anjamma and are grateful for the support from our funders who have made her dreams possible.