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SKS Foundation Board Members

The mission of the Swayam Krishi Sangam Foundation is to pave new paths towards hope and prosperity for the underprivileged of South Asia.

The Swayam Krishi Sangam Foundation will provide support for Swayam Krishi Sangam (SKS) and related SKS institutions by working to:
* raise the funds necessary to support SKS programs;
* enable SKS to expand its services to reach the 100 poorest districts of India;
* establish joint-ventures between SKS and the private sector that promote the long-term goal of empowering the poorest of the poor to become self-reliant.

Swayam Krishi Sangam Foundation
555 W. Madison, Tower 1-603
Chicago, IL 60661-2444
Tel: (312) 575-9950
Fax: (312) 575-0668

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